Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow Day February...need hot food!

I'm a little old for school but love the 'snow day' idea. However, as the snowdrops and crocus come into bloom I am less than enthusiastic about the white coating covering everything outside. The chickens are eyeballing the heavens with dislike as well. They hide under the bamboo and dash for the warm water bucket occasionally. It's bitterly cold outside as I dig for small clumps of grass to feed the girls.
I'm thankful I cooked up a big pot of spaghetti sauce last night. Not my usual sauce loaded with cumin and cinnamon but my brother-in-laws sauce with pork and beef cubed and simmered for 6 hours in tomatoes, spiced with oregano, garlic, onion and bay leaves. I tossed in chili flakes and basil with some fresh parsley. If I added beans it could be served over rice but I will likely serve with pasta and garlic bread. Oh wait, I have garlic naan so will use that. How international! Smells wonderful as I enter the house after being in the frigid cold yard. Actually, once inside again, I can appreciate how lovely falling snow really is.

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